Multifaceted Writer-Director Pamela Romanowsky Boards Rocket Film
On the heels of signing acclaimed food and lifestyle filmmaker/photographer Ben Fink, bicoastal production company Rocket Film continues to boost its already robust directorial roster by welcoming Pamela Romanowsky to the fold.
A multi-talented writer-director, Romanowsky has established herself through feature films such as the memoir-based Sundance and Tribeca entry The Adderall Diaries, as well as short-form and branded content for Sotheby’s, Dove Chocolate and Refinery29. After connecting with Rocket Film through her alliance with Alma Har’el’s celebrated nonprofit hub for female filmmakers, Free the Bid, she discovered plenty of kindred spirits throughout the production company’s leadership and team. “Rocket is a small and tightly-knit group, a real community, and you can feel that,” Romanowsky says. “There’s an open exchange of ideas, support, and enthusiasm and there’s a real cultivation of passion within this group that is exactly in line with how I feel. I love what I do and I want to work with other people who embrace the adventure with positivity, passion and a collaborative spirit. Rocket shares my belief that the inevitable stresses of the job should be approached with patience and kindness and seriously outweighed by the joy of the job.”
Drawing inspiration from revered filmmakers such as Sidney Lumet, Alfonso Cuaron, Spike Jonze, Paul Thomas Anderson and Sofia Coppola to musical artists like Frank Ocean and Lucinda Williams, Romanowsky is not only driven by the fundamental elements of character and story with each and every project, but abides by one key ethos in the process: go all-in. “I believe in guts and heart and teeth: Live for the adventure, have the balls to do everything with sincerity and kindness and passion, and be relentless for what you care about,” states the director, who describes her directing style and approach as “empathetic” by nature. “I put everything into my projects. I don’t ever walk away from set feeling like there’s something else I could’ve tried or listened to or pushed for. I want to know what makes people tick. And I want to talk about it.”
Now as part of Rocket Film’s directing team, Romanowsky hopes to expand her scope of work by, among other things, making commercials and other forms of content that intertwine genre elements with a humanistic approach. “Ultimately, I want to marry my loves of character and adventure in my work at Rocket,” she adds. “I love anything fast and thrilling and am obsessed with cars, motorcycles and athletes. I want to use my narrative, story and character-based point of view to deepen and enrich those thrilling images, so you feel that adrenaline and inspiration in yourself. A scene doesn’t have to be quiet or understated to be emotional and impactful. It’s all about style and substance.”
According to Rocket Film Co-Founder/Managing Director Sara Eolin , Romanowsky’s unflinching confidence and compassion towards her work makes her an ideal fit within the production company’s roster. “Pamela is a baddass, which is my favorite kind of person. She’s dives into projects full heart and soul, and that makes her work extremely powerful. If she can direct a film with novice actors who are speaking entirely in Zulu that makes you cry? That’s the power of a great director.”
About Rocket Film:
Remember the wonderment of looking up into the sky, and letting your creativity run wild? You wanted to be an astronaut, a bounty hunter… or a filmmaker. Well, we still do…a filmmaker, that is… Our passion is creating environments which truly empower artists, and through that, we change the world, one project at a time. Because when brilliant creative is your North Star, the sky no longer becomes the limit. We are Rocket Film.