Alldayeveryday Signs Barrie Isaacson MGMT for East Coast Representation
Bicoastal creative production company Alldayeveryday has selected renowned, independent talent management company Barrie Isaacson MGMT, consisting of Barrie Isaacson, Cara Wenig and Hannah Smith for East Coast representation. With over a decade’s worth of experience collaborating with award-winning talent while overseeing sales strategy and brand development, Barrie Isaacson serves as an ideal partner to help expand Alldayeveryday’s presence in the production and content creation space.
Alldayeveryday Executive Producer Oscar Thomas is looking forward to teaming with new sales partners, citing, “It was critical to us to have the right partners to not only represent our roster of directing talent, but also to understand the unique talent that we represent – we feel fortunate to be working with such a force in this industry as Barrie.”
With this newly formed talent management partnership, Alldayeveryday’s sales force also includes Sullivan Creative Management’s Sean Sullivan in the Midwest and Bueno’s Bryan Shrednick and Millie Munro on the West Coast.
Alldayeveryday most recently helmed and produced projects including Mini “Defy Labels” for the upcoming Rio Olympics as well as the Adweek top 10 pick for Lyft starring Shaquille O’Neal.
About Alldayeveryday
Alldayeveryday is a leading creative production and entertainment company. We have an enthusiasm for solving problems and creating meaningful experiences for our clients and their audiences.