Sip It Up

A teen wakes up, shaky, disoriented, covered in blood and vomit. The last thing he remembers is slamming a bottle of DXM cough syrup (robo-tripping) in a pre-party binge. An urgent text message sends him to his Facebook page, where the night’s carnage plays out across his timeline – photos of puke-splattered cars and toilets framed by appalled comments from assorted friends. Bits of the wild night return to the teen in fragmented memories: stumbling, puking, and the angry reactions of his peers.

Any Facebook user can put themselves through this disorienting 3:00 experience thanks to the Sip It Up Facebook Connect app designed and developed by BKWLD for Partnership at via Tribal DDB SF. BKWLD created the entire experience, building the Facebook page alongside a website – – that explores the detrimental effects of cough syrup abuse.

Check out the site


Fast Company: “Sip It Up” Facebook App Provides Graphic Warning About Cough Syrup Bingeing