Rock Paper Scissors Pulls Bicoastal Effort to Spotlight Technology for Verizon

Rock Paper Scissors Editor Kirk Baxter recently cut a mammoth campaign for Verizon via mcgarrybowen – a series of arresting spots comprising the company’s first-ever corporate branding effort. Collaborating between the New York and LA offices, the crew threaded together eye-popping sequences toggling among high-tech labs and the classrooms, mountainsides, burning buildings and libraries that Verizon is changing forever with its straight-from-the-future array of communications, diagnostic, robot and life-saving technology.

“We loved working with RPS,” noted mcgarrybowen Producer Laura Kirby. “The workflow between NY and LA was absolutely seamless, and Kirk and Andy brought so much to this campaign. The end result was a real joy for us and for our clients.” The spots feature a stirring classical score from composer Philip Glass. Sister company a52, lead by Andy McKenna, handled the VFX.



Agency: mcgarrybowen
Chief Creative Officer: Gordon Bowen
Managing Director, ECD: Mark Koelfgen
Associate Creative Director – Art: Jason Slack
Associate Creative Director – Copy: Laurence Gega
Executive Director of TV Production: Roseanne Horn
Director of Verizon Broadcast Production: Dante Piacenza
Senior Producer: Laura Kirby
Director Broadcast Business Affairs: Joanne Garber
Director of Music Production: Jerry Krenach
Executive Music Producer: Stephanie Diaz-Matos
Managing Director: Tom Sewell
Group Managing Director: Christopher Reintz
Account Director: Ricardo Aspiazu
Account Executive: Rachel Hulvey
Assistant Account Executive: Salen Andrews

Production Co.: Park Pictures
Director/DP: Lance Acord
EP/Owner: Jackie Kelman Bisbee
EP/Head of Production: Dinah Rodriguez
EP: Justin Pollock
EP: Mary Ann Marino
Line Producer: Valerie Romer

Editorial: Rock Paper Scissors
Editor: Kirk Baxter
EP: Eve Kornblum
Producer NY: Justin Kumpata
Producer LA: Toby Louie
Assistant Editor NY: Parker Whipple
Assistant Editor LA: Nathan Gross
Smoke Artist: Eddie Reina

VFX: a52
Visual Effects Supervisor / Lead Flame: Andy McKenna
Executive Producer: Megan Meloth
Producer: Kim Christensen
Flame Artist: Cameron Coombs
Flame Artist: Christel Hazard
Art Director / Design and Animation: Lisha Tan
2D Animator: Brian Do
Sonic Union
Sound Design and Audio Mix: Steve Rosen

Color Grading: Company 3
Colorist: Tom Poole

Music: Philip Glass
(Based on “67 Cities” and “Invitation” from The Fog of War)
Additional Arrangements: Trevor Gureckis
Recording Producer: Trevor Gureckis
Mixing Engineer: Dan Bora
Music Librarian: Alex Weston
Musician Contractor: Christian Rutledge

About Rock Paper Scissors:

Rock Paper Scissors edits for the world’s top directors, studios, and advertisers.